Territoriality and Agricultural Practices: premises for local development in Terena communities / Territorialidade e práticas agrícolas: premissas para o desenvolvimento local em comunidades terena de MS




The Terena population of South Mato Grosso is made up of approximately 17,000 Indians, distributed in ten indigenous áreas, covering 18,000 hectars in the municipalities of Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Aquidauana, Miranda, Rochedo, Anastácio and Nioaque. The loss of a great part of their traditional territories and the consequent way of life in a confined situation has drastically compromised the social-cultural relationships of this people, obliging them to adapt themselves to another reality and to construct new forms of connecting with their territory. The work in hand, as well as systematizing the different phases of territory organization of the Terena in South Mato Grosso, ever since the time of the Chaco up to the present time, is centered on the study of traditional knowledge and the relationship of this knowledge with the present Terena agricultural practices. The research was carried out in the Indigenous Area of Nioaque, localized in the municipality of Nioaque, approximately 176 km from the capital of the State of South Mato Grosso, to the east of the Maracajú ridge, with a population of 1,337 indigenous people, divided into four communities: Brejão, Água Branca, Taboquinha e Cabeceira, covering an area of 3,029 demarcated hectars. The research is also based on literature that handles indigenous questions generally and specifically and, specially, on the pronouncements of indigenous dwellers, by the use of questionnaires, with special emphasis on the knowledge of the patriarchs, but also hearing the younger members of the community and on direct observations carried out in the village and registered in a field diary. The fact of being a Terena Indian, dweller in the Água Branca village, in the aforementioned Indigenous Area and an agricultural engineer, together with observations in loco, all facilitated the research.The research made it possible to verify various important aspects since the exodus of the Terena from the Chaco region until their arrival in present Indigenous Areas. On moving into indigenous reserves, this people suffered many losses socially, culturally and territorially. Although the patriarchs continue struggling bravely to mantain their traditional knowledge related to agricultural practices, the younger generations tend to construct new forms of territory organization of these same Indigenous Lands.


local development planejamento urbano e regional territory etapas de territorialização terena traditional knowledge saber tradicional e desenvolvimento local

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