Terra e territorialidade das áreas de fundos de pastos no semiárido baiano 1980-2011


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research take the environment the semi-arid of Bahia where are located the fundos de pastos communities in northeastern Bahia, micro area of Euclides da Cunha, more precisely at Monte Santo and Uauá. It assumes that the lands of these communities resulting from old sesmarias and abandoned farms, mainly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, much of it becomes an unoccupied lands that were gradually being employed productively for family reproduction, incorporating values traditional fundos de pastos communities. For this, the study makes a historical review of the formation of land ownership in Brazil, through its ownership of individual allotments and the emergence of public lands and their conceptualization. Within the work, the system background of grass is considered a traditional way of life in the hinterland of Bahia, inseparable from the environment and survival strategies in the scrub, and the contributions of the state. In this sense it is considered the first such attempt that occurs with the "Project Fund Lawn" in the 1980s, and their subsequent actions, including in relation to the current land tenure instruments. In addition to searching about the coexistence of these communities with the semiarid, discuss the type of development that would apply to them by their peculiarities and different way of life. Beyond the question of land tenure was necessary to try to understand the background system of pasture, in a perspective of traditional community and its territory, as traditional territory, in view of the National Policy for Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities - PCT and the struggle of these communities to be recognized. Results were questions as to overcome the legislative limits for the settlement and the effective recognition of their condition and its territories


convivência desenvolvimento semiárido fundo de pasto comunidades e território tradicionais planejamento urbano e regional regularização terras devolutas distribuição/concentração fundiária coexistence traditional community and territory semiarid vacant land distribution/ concentration and land regularization "fundo de pasto" development

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