Termodinâmica de condensados aprisionados em armadilhas óptico-magnéticas / Thermodynamic studies on BECs trapped by hybrid traps


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this master thesis we present some preliminary studies on the Thermodynamics of ultracold gases in inhomogeneous potentials. These studies were performed in two different experimental setups using the new global variables proposed by V. Romero-Rochín, which we call volume parameter and pressure parameter. The first system is the experiment built in our laboratory in which we produce a Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) of 87Rb atoms in a hybrid trap. The second experiment is the Prof. Hulet´s setup at Rice University in which a BEC of 7Li is produced in an optical trap. At this second experiment it was possible to vary the interaction between the atoms in such a way that we were able to characterize its influence on the pressure parameter. In addition we present a theoretical analysis of the BEC phase transition in terms of these new variables.


Átomos frios bose-einstein condensation cold atoms condensação de bose-einstein termodinâmica thermodynamics

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