Terapias alternativas/complementares: o saber e o fazer das enfermeiras do distrito administrativo 71 - Santo Amaro-São Paulo / Alternative or complementary therapies: knowledge and action of the nurses at the 71st Administrative District - Santo Amaro, São Paulo




A new paradigm - Holistic - is revolutionizing many fields of knowledge and, specifically at the health area, is integrating the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of human being, offering foundations for the alternative or complementary therapies knowledge. Considering the nurses importance for the development of health integral actions the author made an exploratory study aiming to identify the knowledge and action of the nurses that work at São Paulos 71st Administrative District - Santo Amaro, regarding the alternative and complementary therapies submitting semi-structured questionnaries on July and August, 2001 to all eighteen nurses that worked at nine healthcare units. In a quantitative and qualitative approach the nurses profile was analyzed and the factors that have influence on the knowledge and the doing on alternative or complementary therapies were showed. It also indicated that theres a great acceptance and credibility toward these techniques by the nurses (89%), but the little knowledge of legal support (22,2%) and specific courses or training available in this field (5,5%) limits its usage. Around half of the nurses (44,4%) searches for themselves some application but only 11,1% will be applying them on the users or clients at the healthcare units. The author unveiled the nurses perception toward the conceptuae evolution, institutional and personal support and difficulties related to these practices and concluded that theres a need to search for additional knowledge to expand new assistential options for the populations health promotion


research on nursing holistic nursing pesquisa em enfermagem enfermagem holística alternative therapies terapias alternativas health promotion promoção da saúde

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