Terapia cognitivo-comportamental em grupo no tratamento de disfunções sexuais femininas / Group cognitive behavioral therapy for female sexual dysfunction


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) have high prevalence, and therapeutic options available are a challenge in gynaecological practice. Objective: to evaluate the effects of group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for women with sexual dysfunction. Methods: A total of 106 women diagnosed with sexual dysfunctions was equally divided into subjects (n=53), who underwent group CBT for 8 weekly sessions, and controls (n=53), who were given expectant treatment. Assessment of sexual function was carried out at an interview at baseline and at the endpoint after six months using Abdos female sexual quotient questionnaire (FSQ). Results: At baseline both groups had similar characteristics as to sexual response, self-image and relationship with a partner. The women who went into therapy showed significant improvement in sexual function when compared with those in the control group: The FSQ had an average growth of 18.08 points (95%CI: 12.87 to 23.28) in the therapy group against an average decrease of 0.83 points (95%CI: 3.43 to 1.77) among the controls (p<0.001). The five domains discriminated by the questionnaire also showed significant improvement in the therapy group: desire and interest (p=0.003), foreplay (p=0.003), excitation and tuning (p<0.001), comfort (p<0.001), and orgasm and satisfaction (p<0.001). Conclusion: group CBT was shown to be an effective tool for the treatment of female sexual dysfunctions


cognitive therapy disfunção sexual feminina female sexual dysfunction group psychotherapy mulheres psicoterapia de grupo terapia cognitiva women

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