Tensões do pensamento nacional no diálogo crítico entre Roberto Schwarz e Silviano Santiago / Tensions of national thinking in the critical dialogue between Roberto Schwarz and Silviano Santiago


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Motivated by a certain discomfort related to a specific direction Brazils contemporary critical thought has taken, this paper proposes a comparative analysis between a few essays from two highly regarded authors in Brazilian literary criticism: Roberto Schwarz and Silviano Santiago. Through a point of view that privileges the proposals and assessments concerning the countrys socio cultural aspects carried out by them, it is intended to highlight how the contrastive perspective which takes into consideration the oppositions, but also the similarities between the aforementioned works can configure a possibility of formulating other questions that for long have been quintessential in the national thought. Thus, without excusing ourselves from taking a stand in the dispute, we aspire to point out the tensions set between the critical texts and conjecture a common faculty in this procedure. We shall focus, mostly, on the manners the topic economic subordination versus cultural (in)dependence (and its relation to nationalism) are developed and regard self-legitimization strategies, as well as the confrontation between theoretical moulds of rare dialogue: deconstruction and dialectic materialism.


literary theory - brazil roberto schwarz roberto schwarz silviano santiago silviano santiago teoria literária - brasil

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