Televisão digital: atributos tecnológicos e princípios pedagógicos para implementação no contexto escolar. / Digital television: technological attributes and pedagogical principles for implementation within the school context.




The article treats a reflection on the digital television as a tool to expand the society access to information for its cultural formation and promotion of the citizenship as well as the role of its insertion in both educational and school Brazilian contexts. This study supplies the required theoretical, conceptual and historical support necessary to the debates among educationalists and agents of the educational system on the implantation and use of the digital television within the school daily life. It recovers previous experiences of use of the television within the school during the post LDB period, besides tracking other research on the theme. The study gathers information on the origin and history of the conventional analogical television, the computer and the digital television, presenting the technical and theoretical precepts related to the integration of these three mentioned technologies. Afterwards, it develops a reflection which articulates the concepts, the context and the prospects for the educational use of the Digital Television in Brazil. It also proposes specific topics related to the marketing and development of further projects of implementation of the technology in the contemporary educational contexts in the domains of the Digital Television and computational resources. The methodology used was based on the literature, mainly by the secondary documentation method although primary documentation was required in lesser scale. The research shows that some of the guiding principles for the implementation and use of the digital television within the school contexts are the creation of conditions of access of the students and teachers to the technology for expansion of the collective construction of knowledge; the stance of means for the competences and abilities development which value the formation of the educational agents; the development of a universal network formed by different social groupings; integration of the use with the current curricular programs. The incorporation of the digital television in the school in an innovative perspective requires a revision of the political-pedagogical projects; extension of the investments for the technical-pedagogical qualification of its users in the school context; promotion for the development of experiences which explore its pedagogical possibilities; and creation of opportunities for the development of the cooperative and collaborative work.


educational technology televisão e educação televisão digital television and education tecnologia educacional digital television

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