Teleoperadores de call center de uma empresa de comunicação em Porto Alegre : um estudo sociológico


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The goal of this dissertation is to understand the context of work in organizations that use the system Call Center management. This interest is justified by the fact that this sector is booming in recent decades, besides being one of the service sectors that spreads more job openings for those interested in laboring with telework. Thus, discusses the evolution of large systems management work, from his contact with the significant technological advances applied to relations. As a result, we discuss about the plan s validity and effectiveness of contemporary organizational practices and their reflections in the work. It is used as a background, discussion of the case these relationships and their consequences for telework and their operators, which have been fully verified through sociological research based on the literature of the sociology of work and on field research carried out at the headquarters of an enterprise communication and multimedia in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


serviÇos ao cliente telemarketing teletrabalho tecnologia da informaÇÃo inovaÇÕes tecnolÓgicas - aspectos sociais relaÇÕes de trabalho ciÊncias sociais ciencias sociais telefone - atendimento clientes - atendimento

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