Telemetria convencional e via satélite na determinação da área de vida de três espécies de carnívoros da região nordeste do Estado de São Paulo.




The main objectives of this work were to determine diet, and home range of three mammal carnivore species, which are endangered of extinction in São Paulo State: the maned wolf ((Chrysocyon brachyurus, Illiger 1815), cougar (Puma concolor, Linnaeus 1771), and ocelot (Felis pardalis, Linnaeus 1758); and to draw strategies for landscape planning in order to improve the conditions for the conservation of that species in the surroundings of Jataí Ecological Station. From October 1998 to January 2001 (29 months) 10 maned wolves, 4 cougar and 1 ocelot were tagged, and 6 maned wolves, 2 cougar and 1 ocelot out of them were collared with radio-collar and their home range were determined. Vegetation cover and land uses were obtained from TM/Landsat 5 image classification. Animal locations were compared to vegetation cover and land use maps in order to determine hábitat preferences for such three species in that region. Faeces collected along that period were analyzed in order to determine the diet of maned wolf and cougar in 4 different sub-areas. Prey abundance was determined through sightings along with field work. The impact of roads was determined as animal road killing rates in 4 roads types: high way, paved road, dirt road and roads at Jataí. For maned wolves estimated home ranges varied between 31 and 132 km2, with preferences for open wet vegetation, and mainly consumed lobeira, small rodents and small passerines. Cougar showed home ranges varying between 51 and 140 km2, and preferences for forest native vegetation, and preyed principally on armadillos, capybara and deer. Ocelot showed home ranges between 18 and 23 km2, and preference for cerrado vegetation. Jataí sub-area showed greater abundance of prey than the surrounding sub-areas, and the paved road showed, on average, the greatest rates of animal road killing. landscape changing, regarding land use in the surrounding Jataí and road adaptation in order to reduce animal road killing are suggested, in the perspective to improve the conditions of survivorship for such carnivores at that region.


telemetria carnívoro satélites onça-parda lobo-guará ecologia jaguatirica

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