Teias de significação: performance de língua-franca e narrativas vivenciadas de identidade / Web of significance: performance of lingua-franca and living narratives of identities




The present ethnographic research aims at investigating the complex of language, focusing on the performative character of language and the search for a lingua-franca as general aspects, as well as the role of the narrative mode as a particular aspect in the construction of identity, considering that it is composed by a complex of living experiences of body, soul and spirit, contextualized socio-historically and culturally. The meanings of our narrative constructions are constituted by and constitute our social, cultural and ideological contexts. Identity is not homogeneous, stable or fixed, much the opposite, it is a hybrid construction, a web of performative significance (Geertz 1973; Hall 1996, 1997, 2003; Bhabha 1990, 1994, 1998, 2000; Menezes de Souza 2004, 2006), it is a complex of narratives, processes of action of meaning making that form the subject (Bruner, J. 1986, 1992, 2001; Klapproth 2004). The contextualized embodiment and living experience is the element of connection between narrative and identity (Merleau Ponty 1945, 1961, 1984; Varella 1991, Lakoff &Johnson 1999, Bakhtin 1988, Lemke 1997). We aim at demonstrating that the narratives constructed around the coffee community in Brazil in the XIX century, especially around the immigration of private initiative to Ibicaba coffee farm owned by Senator Vergueiro in the state of São Paulo, are living experiences of contextualized identities that have repercussions on the construction of other identities which exercise the right to narrate and signify to date. In order to be able to survive the crisis of identity we create various identifications. Through the right to narrate under distinct perspectives, living experiences and contexts, rather inclusive or dislocated, looking to the past or the future, we are all hybrid in dealing with the indeterminacy and contingency of identity which is common to us all. We have detected that various "truths" are socio-historically and culturally constructed from their respective contexts and that identities are a complex of narratives of living experiences formed in the hybrid zones in which different cultures encounter.


linguagem narrative identity narrativa performance living experience identidade vivência performance language

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