Tecnologia lítica: estudo da variabilidade em sítios líticos do nordeste do estado de São Paulo / Lithic Technology: a study of assemblage variability on lithic archaeological sites in Northeastern São Paulo State




The main objective of this research is the study of the production technology of chipped stone artifacts and their operational sequence on lithic archaeological sites located in Northeastern São Paulo State. A bibliographic research was made based, firstly, on the amateur and specialized archaeological literature related to this specific subject, paying attention to the lithic production technology and looking for different topics such as locational preferences of the archaeological sites and the types of raw materials and their supports, in other words, the raw materials economy chose by the artisans. All methodological and theoretical operational sequence ("chaîne opératoire") was used, including the search for the artisansgestures - a diacritical analysis, intending to reconstruct through the operational processes and the gesture sequence the artisansmental project, related to a technical matrix - their technical tradition. Finally, the analytical results are presented, summarizing the operational sequences and illustrating lithic artifacts with drawings. Although lithic artifacts had been studied directly, focusing attention on its technical attributes, it is known that they represent more than a particular context, they may provide, even indirectly, interpretations about a whole system of sites.


pré-história de são paulo arqueologia brasileira cadeias operatórias chipped stone technology sítios líticos lithic archaeological site operational sequence são paulo prehistory tecnologia lítica lascada brazilian archaeology

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