Tecno-pedagogia: os aspectos lúdicos e pedagógicos da comunicação digital / Techno-Pedagogy: the entertainment and educational aspects of digital communication




This research falls within the lines of investigation of the Research Center ATOPOS, from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of Sao Paulo (ECA / USP) on the theoretical aspects of digital media. It explores the interdisciplinarity of digital communication, highlighting the entertainment and educational aspects in the dialogical relationship between man and technology. To this end, it develops a theoretical discussion of several authors who deal on technology, digital communication, leisure and education. It contexts the universe of videogames describing the different generations, platforms and interactions promoted by different genres of games. Finally, it performs the analysis of some games as a way to sustain the concept of "techno-pedagogy" proposed by this work.


digital communication; playfulness pedagogy; videogame; technology; techno-pedagogy comunicação digital; ludicidade pedagogia; videogame; tecnologia; tecno-pedagogia

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