Técnicas pedagógicas do sistema socioeducativo proposto pelo ECA: uma análise das novas instituições de responsabilização juvenil a partir da filosofia de Michel Foucault / Education techniques in Brazil\ s juvenile justice system: an analysis of the country\ s new institutions for teenage offenders based on the philosophy of Michel Foucault.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This essay studies the relationship between education knowledge and the juvenile justice sys-tem in Brazil. Based on the work of Michael Foucault, a selection of articles, government papers and academic publications is investigated in order to acknowledge the education prac-tices and techniques that arouse in the last decade. Brazilian juvenile justice system went through major transformations in recent years, both in the theoretical and practical fields. The goal of this research is to recognize the key transformations that took place in this period and learn if the process did or did not improve government\ s assistance towards young offenders. It starts with some theoretical debates relevant for the juvenile justice system, followed by the analysis of the relationship between law and power contained in the arguments exposed in the reduction of criminal age\ s debate. Numerous forces dwelling the country\ s juvenile justice institutions are presented. The following part analysis how legal and procedural practices tend to limit government interference, prescribing it rules of non intervention. It\ s understood that the criminal justice model of minimal intervention is the one that better developed ECA\ s ed-ucational aspirations. Despite achieving satisfactory results, this model still competes with many reminiscent forces of it\ s predecessor model.


governamentalidade governmentality learning technics sistema socioeducativo técnicas pedagógicas juvenile justice system

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