Technology transfer from academy to industry: a functional approach. / Transferência de tecnologia do meio acadêmico para o setor produtivo: uma abordagem funcional.




This work started from a perception that the level and effectiveness of technology transfer from universities to industry can be increased in Brazil. First, the importance of this process is highlighted, bringing up the potential benefits to all parties involved, directly and indirectly, and also the barriers posed to this kind of partnership. The possibilities are illustrated by examples, Brazilian and foreign as well. The review also includes the success factors, and a brief analysis of the Technology Transfer Office, which is very common as a means to improve the process. On the practical side, this work uses the base principle of the value analysis, the functional approach to take off from 3 successful partnerships and develop a generic model of the technology transfer, showing the essential functions to the success of this process. Since this model is not specific to any situation, it can be applied to other cases to help find flaws, that is, functions that are not adequately met, and then focus the efforts dedicated to improve the process.


análise do valor value analysis transferência de tecnologia universidade particular engineering management technology transfer

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