Tecendo estórias das comunidades remanescentes de quilombolas aqui e acolá / Weaving stories of remnant communities maroon here and there




This thesis proposed to collect and analyse oral narratives in slave reminiscent communities (also known as "quilombolas") from Caxias-Maranhão. The collection was realized in 2008, and the tales were analysed regarding their aesthetics and ethical sense, as well as the social function performed by their plot. All their cultural activities, such as "dança do baião", "festa do Divino", and the habit to tell tales were marked by the fight for land and have made strong their ethical identity, their exploited past, their belonging feeling, and their protest for public service to assure them a good life. The confrontation between the oral and written narratives were exposed by Brazilian folklorists since the second half of century XIX. This comparison shows that these themes are deeply human, and related to values, faith, dreams, wishes and a moral guided behavior, thus revealing the world of who tells them and the period of the stories. The diversity of stories (tales of magic, ordinary folk-tales, animal tales, jockes, cumulative tales, for example), myths, legends and yarns proves that the engine of the oral tradition is the innovation. They innovate through the incorporation of the local element and the articulation to the community wishes, which are search for knowledge, love, money, and the confront between old and new, weak and strong, and good and bad. The popular literature, which is transmitted through a symbolic language and plays a essentially ludic role, is syntonized to life. Therefore justifying its co-optation by the child literatura, since it deals with subjectiveness, conflicts, and ambiguities, and presents a high communication level to the children. This is proved through the history of literature in Brazil, whose nationalism in its first publications progressed to the wonderful realism of Monteiro Lobato. Nowadays, these literature is world wide accepted and treated as art. A treatment that all literature committed to the formation of children should have.


comunidades quilombolas oral narratives formation of the reader. formação de leitores literatura infanto-juvenil narrativas orais reminiscent communities narrativas escritas written narratives child literatura

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