Teatro de uma saudade. Experiências de memória brasileira em \"Assombrações do Recife Velho\" &\"Memória da Cana\" / Teatro de uma Saudade Experiências de memória brasileira em Assombrações do Recife Velho &Memória da Cana


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work aims to develop a study of the concept of creative memory following the creative pattern used in the play \"Memoria da Cana\" (Sugar Cane Memory), a revisit of the text \"Album de Família (Family Album) by playwright Nelson Rodrigues, and based on the studies of the patriarchal family and family memories of the artists/researchers involved in the process. It also deals with the creative process of the play Assombrações do Recife Velho (Hauntings of Old Recife), a free adaptation of Gilberto Freire´s homonym play. For that, I availed myself of the relationship between the theater of popular origins and the contemporary scene and the interface between performer and brincante (folk culture character), as well as the artists/researchers´ personal memories. The two plays were developed by the group Os Fofos Encenam, under my artistic direction.


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