Team work and Professional competence in the Family Health Strategy: the surgeon dentists perceptions / Trabalho em equipe e competência profissional na Estratégia Saúde da Família: a percepção do cirurgião dentista




PINTO, C. C. M. Team work and Professional competence in the Family Health Strategy: the surgeon dentists perceptions. 2008. 121f. Dissertation (Master Degree). Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-USP. Oral health must be understood as integral and inseparable part of the individuals general health and is related to sanitary conditions, eating, housing, work, education, income, transport, leisure, freedom, and access to land, health services and information (BRASIL, 1993). The surgeon dentist is an essential actor in this scenario, responsible for providing adequate standard levels of oral health to the population of a country, region or local, seeking to elaborate strategies and actions that allow the construction of collective health. This investigation aims to analyze the surgeon dentists perception regarding the Oral Health Group (ESB) on the Family Health Strategy (ESF) in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Interviews will be fully recorded and transcribed. Data interpretation is based on content analysis by Bardin (1977). Regarding the subjects characterization, we verified that all the SD interviewed are graduated for more than 14 years, with an average of 24,4 years. The professionals are, in average, 46,2 years old and the majority is male and married. They work for an average of 29,9 months in the ESF, all have specialization and only one interviewed is not specialized in Public Health. From the analysis of their reports emerged two main themes: team work and professional competences for the work at ESF. These two themes are of great importance for Surgeon dentists, so they can support improved health levels for the population, especially oral health.


professional competence competência profissional dentists primary health care. family health equipe interdisciplinar de saúde. saúde da família patient care team odontólogos saúde bucal atenção primária à saúde oral health

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