TÃcnicas de otimizaÃÃo da produÃÃo para reservatÃrios de petrÃleo: abordagens sem uso de derivadas para alocaÃÃo dinÃmica das vazÃes de produÃÃo e injeÃÃo




Petroleum Engineering daily activities are faced with a series of situations that call for optimal solutions in di��erent contexts. At all phases of Oil &Gas industryâs workflow, it is possible to find out problems which need optimization, in larger or smaller scale, with more or less complexity. In reservoir engineering, there exists great interest in studies of Dynamic Optimization of Production Scheduling, considering constraints at platformâs total rates. Other optimization applications in Oil and Gas recovery like well placement or surface facilities have been studied in much more detail than the problem of handling production and injection rates. In this work, algorithms without derivatives of objective function or constraints have been studied by using complete models of numerical reservoir simulations, computer intensive, searching for quantitative answers taking into account all relevant aspects of the porous flow. Nelder-Mead Simplex, Pattern Search method, Derivative Free Optimization by Conn et al and Genetic were the algorithms applied. Studies were done for two cases with distinct features. The first case has simple and controllable features. The other application case is a synthetic model with realistic properties, presenting high permeability channels inside low transmissibility regions. The relevance of the problem treated in this work is demonstrated by the results, where gains of up to 20% for the net present value (NPV) were achieved when compared with typical situations of field management. The computational work, however, was very high. In accordance with theoretical indications, it was observed a homogeneous water saturation front for the better solutions reached by using optimization. Better performance was achieved by the Derivative Free Optimization approach, which could obtain expressive results for objective function performing a much smaller number of simulations when compared to the other algorithms


engenharia de petrÃleo otimizaÃÃo petroleum reservoir reservatÃrios de petrÃleo engenharia civil petroleum engineering optimization dynamic mass rate allocation alocaÃÃo dinÃmica de vazÃes

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