Tablet : as experiências do produto entre estudantes de concurso público


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This Study envolves the latest information and communication technology launched in the market and desired by people, that is the tablet. Moreover, the context in which this technology will be studied is the Public Contest, which is the gateway to one of the job sectors most desired by people, the public sector. In this scenario, the tablet use by students of Public Contest will be addressed during their studies and learning process, encompassed within the context of mobile learning. As technologies are part of everyday life of people and for the experience in using this technology to be positive and rewarding without barriers, which may hinder the user, it is important that there is a harmony in their interaction with technology. Thus, the research applied a generic analysis model of product experience, in this case the experience with the user-technology interaction, addressing the experiences; aesthetic, of meaning and emotional. Presents the objetive to analyze the product experience, in the tabletstudent relationship and interaction, that contribute to the student process of studies and learning. This research is based upon an exploratory qualitative study, with the application of nine semi-structured interviews with Public Contest students, identifying how respondents use the tablet in their process of education and learning as well as the main features and attributes of tablet. Also are identified the product experiences involved in the relationship and interaction between the student use of technology. Finally, the results show how the tablet and the experiences involved in its use contribute to the students education and learning, indicating the main benefits and advantages of using the tablet as a support tool for studies. In theoretical terms the research contributes with new subsidies for mobile learning theme, with an empirical research about the use of tablet in learning and also provides information and content about the experience of using technology in the education process. In practical ways the study contributes to arouse interest and guide Public Contest students and educational organizations to take advantage of the potential of mobile technology.


tablet tecnologia da informação experience of use mobile learning concurso público public contest students aprendizagem móvel

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