"Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos - USP: banco de dados de alimentos industrializados" / Brazilian Food Database - USP: Industrialized foods database.




Data about food composition are very important to any study of human nutrition. The Brazilian Network of Food Data Systems (BRASILFOODS) has been coordinating the national activities about food composition and is linked to the Latin American Network of Food Data Systems (LATINFOODS) which is responsible for the elaboration of the Latin America database. The Brazilian Food Composition Database was developed by BRASILFOODS and is available the Internet (http://www.fcf.usp.br/tabela). It contains data on proximal composition, dietary fiber, vitamin A and carotenoids, fatty acids and cholesterol and also resistant starch. The main objective of the present work is to compile and evaluate data about composition of industrialized foods in order to increase data on the Web site. According to the Familiar Budget Research developed by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) and Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (FIPE), new products have been included in the consumption habits of the population of Sao Paulo and its region, what shows a need of further information about those foods chemical composition. In this respect, analytical results and detailed analytical information were provided by companies as well as official laboratories. The data were criteriously evaluated, considering the several steps involved in the process, from the sample plan to the analytical quality control. The proximal composition of 747 industrialized foods were included in the Web site and these data are divided according to the following food groups: cereals and derivates (157); vegetables and derivates (21); fats and oils (26); meat and derivates (137); milk and derivates (85); sugar and sweets (42); and other products (279). Due to such expansion of the Brazilian Food Composition Database, professionals have access to updated data which have been carefully evaluated and are now closer to the population consumption profile.


alimentos industrializados alimentos - composição química industrialized foods alimentos - banco de dados food-database food-chemical composition

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