Systemic development of information technology regional poles: comparative analysis of national and international models of clusters by the perspective of the Systems Theory / Desenvolvimento sistêmico de pólos regionais de tecnologia da informação: análise comparativa entre modelos de clusters nacionais e internacionais sob a perspectiva da Teoria dos Sistemas




This research is justified by the economic relevance of the regional productive arrangements for the informational capital, and analyses the developments model of four regional information technology poles, Silicon Valley (California), Bangalore (India), São Carlos and Campinas (Brazil). The research was developed using the qualitative multiple cross-case analysis methodology and the results were compared with the ideal model of systemic development. The conclusion signalizes the low incidence of entrepreneurship elements in the Brazilian organizational culture, which corroborates to the formation of mono-nucleated models of relations among the national clusters agents, contrasting to the international clusters, which have multi-nucleated models of relations among their agents, closer to the systemic development premises.


tecnologia da informação technological parks parques tecnológicos pólos tecnológicos information technology desenvolvimento regional agrupamentos produtivos production arrangements technological poles technological clusters clusters tecnológicos regional development

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