Synthesis of biodiesel from transesterification os soybean oil by homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis / Síntese de biodiesel a partir da transesterificação do óleo de soja por catálises homogênea e heterogênea




Biodiesel is defined as a mono alkyl ester of fatty acids of long chain derived from renewable sources such as vegetable oils and animal fats. Its importance is related to the use as an alternative fuel for diesel cycle engines. The biodiesel could be obtained by the transesterification reaction in which triacylglycerides (oil or grease) react with alcohol in the presence of an acid or base catalyst to produce esters of fatty acids and glycerol. Such transesterification can be carried out by homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis, depending on the type of catalyst. The major challenge is to find the ideal parameters of this process in order to achieve a technologically efficient product and route of production environmentally friendly. In this work, we studied the synthesis of biodiesel from transesterification of soybean oil employing homogeneous or heterogeneous catalyses. Transesterification reactions by methanol and ethanol routes were carried out using the homogeneous catalysts (potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid) and heterogeneous [ion-exchange commercial resins (Amberlyst 15, Amberlyst 26 and Lewatit VPOC 1800)]. We studied the effect of varying the type and percentage of catalyst, molar ratio alcohol/oil, temperature and reaction time. The reactions were conducted in a glass reactor, atmospheric pressure and the conversion was evaluated by the product mass, analysis of spectrometry in the infrared region (FTIR), and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR). In homogeneous catalysis, yields above 95% with 1% KOH at any ratio methanol/oil at room temperature were achieved. With ethanol, the maximum conversion achieved was 82% ester at a molar ratio of 6:1. In homogeneous acid catalysis, the yields were lower, reaching a maximum of 81% conversion, with 3% sulfuric acid, methanol/oil ratio of 12/1, at 50 C for 3 h. In the reactions where ion exchange resins were applied, the best reaction condition was found with the use of Amberlyst 26, molar percentage of 12.5% (functional groups of the resin in relation to oil), obtaining 100% conversion esters with methanol for 8h-reaction at 65C and agitation at 300 rpm. With Amberlyst 15, the maximum reached was 13% yield, using methanol, 50% resin at 65 C for 8 h. No significant results were obtained with VPOC resin. These results prove the feasibility of using basic ion-exchange resin as a potential catalyst for the production of biodiesel.


synthesis of biodiesel. transesterification. homogeneous catalysis. heterogeneous catalysis. resins quimica organica síntese de biodiesel. transesterificação. catálise homogênea. catálise heterogênea. resinas

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