Synthesis of autonomous controllers in mobile robotics through bio-inspired computing / Sintese de controladores autonomos em robotica movel por meio de computação bio-inspirada




Novel techniques for autonomous robot navigation aim at fulfilling the growing demand for mobile robots in multiple segments of society and in a plethora of tasks. The challenges involved in developing the system which controls the robot allow to say that the intelligence embedded in the current robots is found to be still incipient and limited. In this work, five complementary research fronts are proposed intending to study, theoretical and practically, aspects which are fundamental to the design and implementation of intelligent autonomous controllers for mobile robotics. Bio-inspired computing and evolutionary robotics methodologies provide the concepts and tools underlying the five proposals, which are validated through navigation systems devised and applied to important problems. Numerous real robot experiments as well as computational simulations taking place in virtual environments are carried out, allowing for the evaluation of contributions and also the discussion of future possibilities


computação evolutiva mobile robots evolutionary computation robos moveis automated guided vehicle systems sistemas inteligentes de controle intelligent control systems sistemas de veiculos auto-guiados

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