Sustentabilidade na revitalização de centros urbanos: análise do Plano de Reabilitação do Hipercentro de Belo Horizonte sob os critérios do LEED / Sustainability on urban center revitalization: analysis of the Rehabilitation Plan for Belo Horizonte Hypercenter under LEED criteria




Revitalization projects in downtown central areas are increasingly common in contemporary urban planning. On a micro scale, they promote preservation of valuable historical and cultural information for specific locations. On a macro scale they help establish the symbolic significance of the citys heritage and overall image. They also are a valuable tool for promoting urban sustainability. This studys objective is to relate such revitalization projects to urban sustainability. Within this research context, the history concerning formation, rise and decline of urban centers was investigated. Based on this review the study presents urban center revitalization alternatives that have been traditionally applied in large and medium-sized cities throughout the world. The survey reveals that the majority of revitalization projects do achieve success, however some were found to have resulted in a negative process of gentrification. To emphasize revitalization projects as part of overall sustainability policy, the relationship of cities to the global environmental crisis was also investigated. This produced a list of elements that a sustainable city should ideally encompass including social justice, esthetics, creativeness, ecological balance, ease of mobility, compactness and polycentrism, and diversity of uses. The principal institutions responsible for the current focus of contemporary urban planning on sustainability were also surveyed. This considerable assemblage of theoretical considerations about central areas and their relationship to sustainability was then applied to qualitatively analyze the Rehabilitation Plan for the Belo Horizonte Hypercenter. The overall criterion chosen was the LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System. Also identified were specific LEED criteria that unofficially were included in the plan and at what level of intensity and prior consideration they were employed. As a result of this study, it became evident that adaptation of the LEED system to Brazil will require modifications and appropriate weighting of criteria. Modifications are necessary because of social and environmental differences for Brazilian cities compared to the United States where the LEED system was originally developed. As for the Rehabilitation Plan for Belo Horizonte Hypercenter, this research verified that the plan concentrates on sustainability issues related to neighborhood pattern and design. On the other hand, the plan gives practically no attention to environmental and energy efficiency of individual buildings.


urbanism degradated urban areas recovery planejamento urbano sustentável sustainable urban planning urbanismo conservacao da natureza recuperação de áreas degradadas urbanas

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