Sustentabilidade e inovação no setor brasileiro da contrução civil: um estudo exploratório sobre a implantação da política pública baseada em desempenho / Sustainability and Innovation on the Brazilian Building Sector: An exploratory study about the performance-based implementation of the public housing policy


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main purpose of this research is to identify the possible impacts the adoption of a new purchasing model of popular buildings by Caixa Econômica Federal (CAIXA) has on the promotion of innovation and sustainability in the Brazilian building chain. Despite several definitions, the most accepted concept of sustainable development is the development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The sustainability movement is quickly getting stronger in the beginning of the 21st century, urging civil society to rethink its consumption pattern. This has a direct impact over companies production pattern. On this change process, the ability to innovate, that is, to develop new knowledge or apply in different matters the existing knowledge, is strategic to companies adapt to this new context where sustainability is a condition to keep in market. A performance-based procurement model of popular housing, once it modifies the methodology of selection, award and monitoring building companies, becomes a way to the State promote the Brazilian building sector towards sustainability. Through a theoretical exploratory research, we present a model of performance-based procurement developed in the USA in the 1990´s and we identify its potential to promote sustainability and innovation, mainly due to the way the request for proposal is done. The main finding of this research is that the presented model has a greater potential than the actual one to foster innovation and sustainability in the Brazilian building sector, once it presents new roles and a new relationship dynamics among all agents involved in the implementation of the public housing policy.


compra estratégica baseada em desempenho innovation inovação performance based procurement poder de compra do estado política pública da habitação public housing policy state purchasing power sustainability sustentabilidade

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