SUSTENTABILIDADE DOS SISTEMAS AGRO-EXTRATIVOS DE PRODUÇÃO DA REGIÃO LACUSTRE DE PENALVA-MA, NA ÁREA DE PROTEÇÃO AMBIENTAL DA BAIXADA MARANHENSE / The sustainability of agro-Extractive systems in the lacustrine region of Penalva, in the Area of Environmental Protection of Baixada Maranhense




The lacustrine region of Penalva, in the Area of Environmental Protection of Baixada Maranhense, has a number of agro-extractive systems which are characteristics of the traditional human populations of this region. These systems are distributed on different landscape units of the municipal district, and composed by different agricultural, fishing, extractive and breeding activities. When developing their techniques to exploit nature, rural producers establish direct interactions with the environment in a peculiar way, in order to maintain their subsistence. The main objective of this research was a survey on the principal local agro-ecosystems, their geographical distribution, patterns of soil use, and their relation to the natural resources and to the regional socio-economy. The methodology consisted of interviews with application of semi-structured questionnaires, use of mapping techniques, and digital treatment on a geographical information system. The reports revealed the way of life, and the perception of rural producers on their own environmental influence, particularly related to the practice of the slash-and-burn agriculture. Current levels of production and productivity were recorded, agricultural and extractive practices described, and the perspectives of the small scale production in the study region were evaluated. The results show a concerning situation related to decreasing levels of production and productivity, a significant reduction in soil recovery periods, with parallel growth of deforestation. The cartographic results included two analytic thematic maps that describe natural, biotic, abiotic, and antropic aspects, all in the scale of 1: 100.000. The research concluded that the search for sustainable development of the agro-extractive systems must be based on strategic planning for appropriate use and management of the natural resources, including local knowledge, and recognizing and considering the regions environmental and human realities.


sustentabilidade agro-extractive systems area of environmental protection ecologia de ecossistemas penalva penalva sistemas agro-extrativos baixada maranhense Área de proteção ambiental baixada maranhense sustainability

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