Supporting Cell Characteristics in Long-deafened Aged Mouse Ears




Significant sensory hair cell loss leads to irreversible hearing and balance deficits in humans and other mammals. Future therapeutic strategies to repair damaged mammalian auditory epithelium may involve inserting stem cells into the damaged epithelium, inducing non-sensory cells remaining in the epithelium to transdifferentiate into replacement hair cells via gene therapy, or applying growth factors. Little is currently known regarding the status and characteristics of the non-sensory cells that remain in the deafened auditory epithelium, yet this information is integral to the development of therapeutic treatments. A single high-dose injection of the aminoglycoside kanamycin coupled with a single injection of the loop diuretic furosemide was used to kill hair cells in adult mice, and the mice were examined 1 year after the drug insult. Outer hair cells are lost throughout the entire length of the cochlea and less than a third of the inner hair cells remain in the apical turn. Over 20% and 55% of apical organ of Corti support cells and spiral ganglion cells are lost, respectively. We examined the expression of several known support cell markers to investigate for possible support cell dedifferentiation in the damaged ears. The support cell markers investigated included the microtubule protein acetylated tubulin, the transcription factor Sox2, and the Notch signaling ligand Jagged1. Non-sensory epithelial cells remaining in the organ of Corti retain acetylated tubulin, Sox2 and Jagged1 expression, even when the epithelium has a monolayer-like appearance. These results suggest a lack of marked SC dedifferentiation in these aged and badly damaged ears.

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