Superseletividade: efeito do requisito de resposta e do tempo de exposição ao estimulo




The organisms are surrounded by several physical stimuli that may affect their behaviors. In traditional psychology, attention explains why the organism is sensitive to only part of the environment. The Experimental Analysis of Behavior searches for past and present environmental variables that influence stimulus control over behavior. Overselectivity or restricted stimulus control relates to the control to one or few elements of a compound stimulus previously trained, and that is identified in tests with stimulus elements. This phenomenon has been correlated with behavior and developmental deficits. The present study verified the effect of the requirement of a response and stimulus exposure time on behavioral control by multiple stimulus properties. Twelve children between 6 and 10 years old were trained in a simple discrimination task with stimulus that combined three elements (color, shape and pattern).Trainings for half of the children required a selection response between four stimulus presented in the screen (Selection Participants). For the other half, the correct stimulus was indicated an the child was required only to observe stimuli that appeared in the screen (Observation Participants). The duration of stimulus presentation of the discriminative training was varied in two experimental conditions (A=3 s e B=1,5 s), using an ABA or BAB design. Stimulus control by the compound and its elements was assessed after each training. All Selection participants acquired the discriminations with few or no errors during the training. Performance during the first test condition was lower than in the subsequent conditions, indicating history effect. Some evidences suggest that the duration of stimulus exposure and the response requirement affect the development of control by multiple elements of a compound stimuli, but further investigation is necessary to understand the variability found in the present results.


superseletividade overselectivity controle estimulo attention discrimination training children. stimulus control atenção compound stimuli treino discriminativo psicologia cognitiva

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