Superfícies de pontos dinâmicas / Dynamic point set surfaces




The study of the behaviour of fluids is an ancient field in natural sciences. Recently, engineering phenomena that were empirically studied started to be done with computacional aid. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the area of science that studies computational methods for computer simulation of fluid flow, and often is the most practical way, or the only, to observe phenomena of interest in flow. This Masters degree project sought to investigate, in the context of the simulation of biphasic flows, computational methods to represent the interface between two immiscible fluids. The separation of fluids by the means of an interface is required to ensure that, during the simulation, the physical properties of a fluid, like density and viscosity (specific of each fluid) are properly used in the calculus of the respective fluid motion. We developed a lagrangean method without the use of mesh with the goal of alleviating some of the previous works restrictions. To represent the interface between the two fluids, this method uses a surface reconstruction technique based on approximations of high order algebraic surfaces. The numerical results reported herein show the potential of our approach


bi-phase flows escoamentos bifásicos front-tracking mecãnica de fluídos computacional point set surfaces superfícies de pontos mínimos-quadrados-móveis computational fluid dynamics algebraic moving-least-squares acompanhamento de fronteira

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