Suco de laranja concentrado : comportamento reologico a baixas temperaturas




This work determined the Mow behaviour of orange juice (pear orange), with 10 per cent of suspended pulp, in the concentrations of 55,0, 60,0 and 64,2 °Brix. The temperature range for the concentrations of 64,2 and 55,0 °Brix was from 20,5 to -19,4 (>C and for concentrations of 60,0 °Brix from +20,0 to -23,0 °C. Experimental data were fitted by Casson, Herschel-Bulkley and Mizrahi-Berk models. Parameters for all models were determined by nonlinear regression analysis. The Casson, Herschel-Bulkley and Mizrahi-Berk models described well the flow behaviour of the orange juice for concentrations of 64,0 and 60,0 °Brix. For concentration of 55,0 Tirix the data were not fitted well at low temperatures which showed that frozen water interfere on the flow behaviour of the orange juice. Also, at the concentration of 55,0 °Brix, very low values for the yield stress was found for all tested models. This indicated that yield stress was not present in this concentration The yield stress and the consistency index were strongly affected by temperature and concentration for all models and relationships that best represent this behaviour were fitted. The yield stress and consistency index decreased when concentration increased. For all temperatures e concentrations there were no significant change in the behaviour index of Herschel-Bulkley and Mizrahi-Berk models. The presence of histeresis loop shows a time dependent behaviour was detected at low temperature and concentration of 64,2 °Brix. Thixotropy produced a reducion on K0 and increase on Kc of the Casson model. The dependency of shear stress with time didn t fit well to the Weltmann model.


suco de laranja reologia tixotropia baixas temperaturas

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