Sucessão concorrente do cônjuge supérstite: definição da incidência da herança




The present study focus on the legal bidding succession of the surviving spouse according to the new inheritance system brought by the New Brazilian Civil Code (Law 10406/2002). Concerning such succession, it was specifically analyzed the definition regarding the assets on which the surviving spouse s inheritance rights fall when he/she is bidding against deceased s descendants or ascendants. It was discussed whether the spouse s inheritance fell on only the deceased s private assets or on the whole estate. To answer this question, it was analyzed the tie of the legal property system of the married couple with the spouse s inheritance rights. Later on, it was identified the legislation differences when the bidding occurs between the spouse and the deceased s descendant and ascendant. At last, yet regarding bidding succession, a comparative study was carried out between married couples inheritance rights and the protection given to those living together so called unmarried couples


regime de bens -- leis e legislacao -- brasil heranca e sucessao -- brasil direito sucessão concorrente do cônjuge sobrevivente bidding succession of the surviving spouse brasil [codigo civil (2002)]

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