Subvariedades isoparamétricas do espaço Euclidiano / Isoparametric submanifolds of Euclidian space




The goal of this dissertation is to present an introduction to the study of isoparametric submanifolds of Euclidean space. We begin with an introduction to the history of the subject. Then we present the basic results of submanifold theory of space forms. We compute the fundamental equations of first and second order, and we prove the fundamental theorem of submanifold theory. Next, we define isoparametric submanifolds and discuss some basic constructions, as curvature normals, Coxeter groups, Weyl chambers and parallel and focal submanifolds. We prove two decomposition theorems about isoprametric submanifolds using techniques that we learnt from [HL97], paper in which the case of submanifolds of Hilbert spaces is studied. Then we prove slice theorem. We also discuss those submanifold from the classical point of view, namely, isoparametric maps. We finish by explaining some examples: isoparametric hipersurfaces of spheres and principal orbits of the adjoint action of a Lie group on its Lie algebra.


coxeter groups isoparametric submanifolds grupos de coxeter subvariedades isoparamétricas normal curvatures normais de curvatura principal curvatures curvaturas principais

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