Substituição da areia natural por areia de britagem de rochas basálticas para argamassas de revestimento


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study has the purpose of evaluate the artificial sand, in substitution the extration sand, in mortars of covering. The substitution of percentage of the extration sand was also evaluated. The artificial sand is an alternative to the sand of extration in mortars, in view of the gradual exhaustion of the deposits of sand next to the great consumers and the restrictions imposed for the agencies to ambient protection to this exploration. However, had to the production process, the artificial sand possess some characteristics differentiate that it of the extraction sand. Being thus, it was looked to analyze the effect of the sand of artificial sand in mortars in the fresh state, the hardened state and the phase of use. The gotten results show that this substitution for a ratio of 50% of artificial sand and 50% of extraction sand is viable. Being necessary more studies to improve the particles sizing and the form of particles of the artificial sand, being searched to make possible its use without the necessity of the composition with the extraction sand.


argamassa areia britagem (beneficiamento de minério) revestimentos materiais de construção mortar sand crushing (beneficiation of ore) coatings building materials

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