Study on the prevalence of human papillomavirus and clinical and histological aspects in chronic actinic cheilitis. / "Estudo da prevalência do papilomavirus humano e dos aspectos clínicos e histológicos na queilite actínica crônica"




The oncogenic human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are important agents in the etiology of gynecological cancer and have been recently related to some premalignant lesions and to some types of mouth cancer. In order to evaluate the relation between HPVs and one type of precancerous lesion that affects the lips called chronic actinic cheilitis (CAC), 29 CAC patients were assessed and considered eligible for the study. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of HPV in fresh tissue samples of affected lips. All results were negative. All CAC patients were Caucasian, 19 males and 10 women, mean age of 56.14 years. The clinical and histological aspects of CAC were also assessed - there were 14 cases of discreet (48.27%), 10 cases of moderate (34.49%) and 5 cases of severe epithelial atypia (17.24%). By statistical analysis we concluded that, clinically, the presence of leukoplastic areas and progression of the lesion for over five years are directly related to more severe epithelial atypia. Smoking and drinking habits seem to contribute to the condition but achieved no statistical significance regarding onset of CAC.


papilloma vírus oncogênicos papiloma cheilitis reação em cadeia da polimerase queilite polymerase chain reaction oncogenic virus

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