Study of the use of conceptual map in promoting meaningful learning of the neuroscience content in graduation / Estudo do uso de mapa conceitual na promoção de aprendizagem significativa de conteúdo de neurociência na graduação




The study of cognitive processes provide a promising scenario to research aimed at better understanding of how the functioning of the brain may promote the education, enabling the development of new theories and approaches that encourage learning. This work will mainly occurs as the acquisition, storage, processing and retrieval of knowledge from the viewpoint of neuroscience, and how the conceptual map can map the knowledge of the individual. The conceptual map (CM) can be used both as a strategy of learning for the understanding of key concepts and relations between them and to promote critical thinking of the individual. Two-dimensional graphical representation, the CM allows visually organize the relationships between concepts. This structure from the wider concepts up to less comprehensive and relations between them can be indicated by words, phrases and symbols. It is used to facilitate the learning concepts ranking by building significant to the individual. The concepts appear in the boxes and lines that unite them: two concepts connected call proposition. During the construction of a CM, the individual exercises its ability to establish relationships between knowledge that he has already acquired in the course of learning to represent graphically the concepts of a particular subject.


cognitive processes limbic system neuroscience learning (process) memory sistema límbico memória concept formation processos cognitivos aprendizagem learning theory neurociências teoria da aprendizagem

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