Study of the momentum of the development of local a theory of light triple helix : the case of the rule of institutions Alagoas. / Estudo da dinamica do desenvolvimento local à luz da teoria da hélice tripla: o caso das instituições do estado de Alagoas.




In this work we study the interactions and relations among four institutions of the state of Alagoas. The central here aim consists of knowing whether or not these interactions and relations are able to provide an integral and local development in Alagoas. The four chosen institutions were respectively: UFAL, FAPEAL, SECT-AL and SEBRAE. The justification of our choice is based on the triple helix model which requires governmental academic and private participations in the processes leading to the development. The answers given by the people working in each on of the institutions were analyzed in the light of the triple helix model with the help of the following four conceptual categories: Communication, Bureaucracy, Partnership and Culture. As result of our research we empathize that the present situation is not able to provide a genuine local and integral development. However, potential improvements of the present situation are observed.


desenvolvimento local triple helix hélice tripla innovation outros development place inovação

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