Study of the assemblage of macroinvertebrates in streams of Mata Atlântica, using the isotope technique of delta13C e delta15N / Estudo da assembléia de macroinvertebrados em riachos da Mata Atlântica, utilizando a técnica isotópica de delta13C e delta15N




Several studies show a strong influence of terrestrial environment on streams contained therein. On headwater streams that influence is not just related to chemical and physical variables, but also is directly linked to what the stream metabolism, regulating the direct input of nutrients in the form of litter and particulate matter and internal productivity through light incidence. Factors that are inextricably linked to maintenance of these metabolism and consequently to the biodiversity that exists in these streams. This study, using the isotopic technique of delta13C and delta15N and ecological indexes (richness, abundance, diversity, EPT and EPTC) compared Atlantic Forest streams inserted in environments with different characteristics. We compared streams inserted in Tropical Rain Forest of lowlands (50-50 m), foothills of the Serra do Mar and Mountain Tropical Rain Forest (500-1200 m) upland. Also compared streams in different land uses, inserted into a matrix of forest, grassland and eucalyptus. Differences found on isotopic variables showed changes in dietary patterns. The lowland streams showed a high consumption of periphyton that was replaced by the consumption of particulate matter in the upland streams. Consumption of leaf litter was important in both altitudes and remained stable on both seasons. For land use comparison, streams inserted in eucalyptus plantations, followed a pattern similar to forested streams. The patterns found in pasture streams differed from both forest formations, showing a low consumption of leaf litter and influence of C4 plants in the diet of some invertebrates, as well as a large internal variation explained by the composition of litter and particulate matter collected in these streams.


cobertura do solo land cover dietary pattern padrão alimentar para animal. stable isotopes bentos de água doce invertebrados de água doce isótopos estáveis altitudinal variation.

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