Study of mixers fertilizers plants localization in brazilian Center-West region using a linear programming model / Estudo de localização de fábricas misturadoras de adubo na região Centro-Oeste brasileira utilizando um modelo de programação linear




Currently, the brazilian agribusiness is responsible for about 37% of the national PIB and face up to two of the great challenges in its constant growth which are the high dependence of chemical products (fertilizers) to expand its agricultural frontier and consequently, the distance (and transports costs) that this frontiers impose to be overcome, as much for the receiving of production input as the supply of its final products. Particularly, the brazilian Center-West region, formed by the States of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Distrito Federal, is inserted in both points, has greats agricultural frontiers to be explored and in the same time, is located so far of the main draining ports of its production and acquisition of inputs (specially fertilizers). Inside of this context and thought the elaboration of a mathematic model of linear programming, the present work had as objective to indicate localizations for mixers fertilizers plants installation which minimize the involved transport costs. Therefore, in general form, the data raised for the accomplishment of this study means of the involved transports costs with the distribution of raw material and final product between the involved cities, as its respective needs of consumption and supply capacity. A sufficiently clear tendency of mixers plants installation in locals where the access of raw materials involved in productive process was characterized by facility and low cost. Another evident point in the results is the participation of railway modal in the distribution process of the main raw materials.


fertilizantes fertilizers linear programming indústrias misturadoras programação linear transport transporte mixer plants

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