Student-teachers and teacher-students: group work in the practicum. / Alunos-professores e professores-alunos: o trabalho em grupo no estágio supervisionado.




The focus of this study is group work in the teaching practicum in initial teacher education. The research observed four groups, made up of two to four student-teachers, in two situations: during classes in the discipline English Teaching Methodology, which is part of the Teaching License course of FEUSP (School of Education of the University of São Paulo), and during the practicum classes of these groups in the English minicourses, in that same institution. The data presented here were collected in 2006 by means of extended contact with the research subjects, using tools such as class observations, informal conversations, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, among others. The aim was to make a qualitative and detailed description of the subjects and their experience in the teaching practicum, the main interest lying on aspects related to group work. Four main dimensions of group work were observed in the practicum. The first was related to the choice of partners to form a group. It was observed that previous contact with colleagues and also schedule constraints were the main factors taken into account in this decision. The second aspect observed in the research was the organization of the teams to prepare classes. The student-teachers had to use their free time for this activity, since it was not included in the regular class timetable. For this reason, they usually arranged the preparation of materials by phone or e-mail. The third characteristic of group work in the minicourses was connected to team teaching in the classrooms. In this situation, feelings of anxiety for being observed by ones peers were detected and the group dynamics regarding the alternation of roles in the classroom were also analyzed. The last dimension of group work investigated in the research was the existence of informal leaders in the teams. It was shown that the emergence of leaders could not be explained by a single motivation (such as greater professional experience or greater knowledge of the content); instead, it was interrelated with characteristics of the leaders themselves, of the other group members and of the context as a whole.


formação interpares peer coaching teaching practicum trabalho em grupo inglês (estudo e ensino) liderança teacher education english (learning and teaching) ensino em equipe estágio supervisionado group work formação professores team teaching leadership

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