Structural behavior of tower stell to support a wind turbine / Comportamento estrutural de torres de aço para suporte de turbinas eólicas




The increasing demand for electricity required by individual and industrial consumers brings back the issues related to the exhaustion of the exiting fossil energy sources and leads to the evident needs for investments in research topics that focus on improving, developing available renew able energy sources or even creating some novel energy renewable alternatives.One of the alternatives to deal with this problem is the utilization of the wind power. The transformation of the wind forces into electrical energy is made by wind turbines supporter by steel towers.The present dissertation investigates and analysed a typical wind tower created to support a Repower MM92 wind turbine aiming to better understand its structural response. Initially a suggestion for a w ind tower structural design based on the Eurocode 3 recommendations is presented and discussed. The developed numerical model was conceived based on finite element simulation performed with the aid of the Ansys Program. The numerical model is capable of accurately reproduce the wind tower structural response when subjected to the load action imposed by the wind forces acting on the wind blades. The developed numerical model was created using shell finite elements and considers geometrical and material non-linearities.The present investigation also contemplated a dynam ical analysis aiming to evaluated the natural frequencies and associated vibration modes (modal analysis) as well as a transient harmonic analysis to evaluate the wind tower dynamic response along the time domain. The dynamical results indicated that its significan t influence on the wind tower structural response. This conclusion indicates that if only a static design is made he wind tower safety could not be warranted and couldlead to possible wind related accidents. The developed non-linear analysis enable to determine that on of the wind tower ultimate limit states is associated to the lo cal buckling of the wind tower wall, under compressive forces, and its effects must be c onsidered on the tower structural design.


dimensionamento de torre eólica wind tower structural design steel structures estruturas de aço estruturas wind loads carregamento do vento wind towers torres eólicas

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