Stress e desempenho profissional em telejornalismo / Stress and profissional performance in journalism television.




The main purpose of this research was to study the stress level in journalists working on television, specially reporters and cameramen, and know the relationship level with the professional performance. The aim was also to compare the stress related to the abilities and technical competences, as well as, the good performance patterns defined by the company and the Behavior Pattern Level A. It was structured three correlation matrix showing the crossing between all the the research variables data. The sample was formed by 40 professionals: 20 reporters and 20 cameramen, all working at the same television company, located in São Paulo. It was applied the LSS/VAS test (stress symptom list), the Bepatya Test (A Type Behavior) and the professional performance and the technical capabilities instruments. The professional performance resulted by the employee self evaluation and the evaluation of managers in a consensual form. The results indicated high presence of stress symptom, medium-high stress general level, medium stress frequency, evidences of acute danger stress state and elevated Behavior Pattern Type A. The stress intensity level was medium and more intense among reporters than cameramen group. The results of performance level and competence were concentrated in level 2, and it means that, the subjects perform according to the company defined pattern for the job. The research showed stress evidences in all levels of performance in journalists working on television and no significant correlation was found between stress and professional performance. The answer to the stress is related to individual perception, coping capability, personality, behavior pattern type A, environmental factors, organizational management and job characteristics.


performance evaluation telejornalismo competence psicologia organizacional stress competência journalism industrial psychology television jornalismo performance televisão avaliação de desempenho desempenho television journalism stress

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