Stress and Quality of Life in groups of aged: analysis and comparison / Stress e Qualidade de Vida em grupos de idosos: análise e comparação




The present study had for objective to compare the presence of stress, level of quality of life and presence of stressors in three different groups of aging subjects: a group that were taking courses at an University Special Program for the Aged; a group that lived in a home for the aged and another group that lived at home and engaged in Catholic religious activities on a regular basis. Sixty people (30 men and 30 women) participated in the study, ranging form 60 to 81 years of age. Results showed that 55% of the sample did not present signs of emotional stress, 33,5% were in the resistance stage of stress and 55% of the people who lived in the home for the aged had significant more stress symptoms while 60% of the University attendants and 70% of the religious activity group did not have such symptoms. A low level of quality of life was found in all three groups, especially in the health area. Social and affective areas were the ones most preserved in quality. Worrying about depending upon others, routine activities, such as going to the bank, supermarket, and to perceive physical losses, such as vision, audition and others were mentioned as the greatest sources of stress in the three groups. Results indicate the importance of special stress management programs for the age group, especially those who live in homes for the aged.


stress aged stress quality of life psicologia idoso qualidade de vida

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