Stimulation of Nitrobacter agilis by Biotin


Krulwich, Terry A. (Goucher College, Baltimore, Md.), and Helen B. Funk. Stimulation of Nitrobacter agilis by biotin. J. Bacteriol. 90:729–733. 1965.—Addition of biotin to nitrite-mineral medium greatly stimulated the autotrophic growth of four strains of Nitrobacter agilis. Comparisons of cultures of the organisms grown in parallel at 30 C in nitrite medium and in the medium supplemented with 150 mμg of biotin per ml showed that the vitamin promoted: (i) 2- to 4-fold greater rates of utilization of nitrite, and (ii) 100- to 1,000-fold greater populations of cells per milliliter. Avidin specifically inhibited the biotin stimulation of nitrite utilization at an avidin-biotin ratio of 133:1. Incubation of the four strains of N. agilis at 37 C imposed a requirement for biotin that could be met by daily addition of 150 mμg of the vitamin per ml of medium. The stimulatory effects of the vitamin at 30 C suggest that in N. agilis the synthesis of biotin is rate-limiting for growth.

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