Sthocastic model to estimate the soybean productivity in the State of São Paulo through bivaried normal simulation / Modelo estocástico para estimação da produtividade de soja no Estado de São Paulo utilizando simulação normal bivariada




The availability of resources, as much of financial order and human labor, is scarse. Therefore, it must stimulates the regional planning that minimizes the use of resources. Then, the forecast of harvests through modelling techniques must previously on the basis of be carried through the regional characteristics, thus indicating the routes of the research, as well as the regional planning. Then, the aims of this work are: (i) to characterize the climatic variables through different probability distributions; (ii) to verify the spatial and temporal homogeneity of the climatic variables; (iii) to verify the bivaried normal distribution to simulate parameters used to estimate soybean crop productivity; (iv) to propose a model of estimating the magnitud order of soybean crop potential productivity (it depends on the genotype, air temperature, photosynthetic active radiation; and photoperiod) and the depleted soybean crop productivity (it pedends on the potential productivity, rainfall and soil watter availability) based on daily values of temperature, insolation and rain, for the State of São Paulo. The variable used in this study had been the minimum, maximum and average air temperature, insolation, solar radiation, fotosynthetic active radiation and pluvial precipitation, in daily scale, gotten in 27 stations located in the State of São Paulo and six stations located in neighboring States. First, it was verified tack of seven variables in five probability distributions (normal, log-normal, exponential, gamma and weibull), through of Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The spatial and temporal verified through the analysis of grouping by Ward method and estimating the sample size (number of years) for the variable. The generation of random numbers was carried through the Monte Carlo Method. The simulation of the data of photosyntetic active radiation and temperature had been carried through three cases: (i) nonsymetric triangular distribution (ii) normal distribution truncated at 1.96 shunting line standard of the average and (iii) bivaried normal distribution. The simulated data had been evaluated through the test of homogeneity of variance of Bartlett and the F test, t test, agreement index of Willmott, angular coefficient of the straight line, the index of performance index of Camargo (C) and tack the normal distribution (univarieted). The proposed model to simulate the potential productivity of soybean crop was based on the de Wit concepts, including Van Heenst, Driessen, Konijn, Vries, and others researchers. The computation of the depleted productivity was dependent of the potential, crop and real evapotranspirations and the sensitivity hydric deficiency coefficient. The insolation and pluvial precipitation data had been showed through the normal distribution. Being thus, the daily production of carbohydrate was depleted as function of hydric stress and insolation. The interpolation of the data, in order to consider the whole State of Sao Paulo, was carried through the Kriging method. The results were gotten that most of the variable can follow the normal distribution. Moreover, the variable presents spatial and temporal variability and the number of necessary years (sample size) for each one of them is sufficiently changeable. The simulation using the bivaried normal distribution is most appropriate for better representation of climate variable. The model of estimating potential and depleted soybean crop productivities produces coherent values with the literature results.


crescimento vegetal estatística espaciais spatial and temporal homogeneity clima sample size and crop growth model probability distributions soja simulação - estatística distribuições -probabilidade climatic variables

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