Steroid/thyroid hormone receptor genes in Caenorhabditis elegans.


The large family of steroid/thyroid hormone receptor (STR) genes has been extensively studied in vertebrates and insects but little information is available on it in more primitive organisms. All members possess a DNA binding domain of zinc fingers of the C2, C2 type. We have used the polymerase chain reaction with degenerate oligonucleotide primers covering this region to clone three distinct members of this family from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. All three belong to the retinoic acid receptor (RAR), thyroid hormone receptor subfamily of genes. The cDNA of one of these clones shows such a high homology to DHR3, an early ecdysone response gene found in Drosophila, and MHR3, identified in Manduca sexta, that we have termed it CHR3. Furthermore, the C-terminal portion of the deduced protein sequence shows a box containing eight identical amino acids among CHR3, DHR3, and MHR3 suggesting an identical specific ligand for these proteins. CNR8 shows homology to NAK1, and CNR14 has homology to both the RAR-gamma 1 gene and to another ecdysone response gene, E78A. Neither of the latter two cDNAs is a clear homologue of any known gene and each is distinctive. All of these genes are expressed varyingly in both larval and adult stages of nematode development as shown by Northern blot analyses. These data demonstrate that the STR family of genes is represented in a nematode whose ancestor appeared well before the branching that gave rise to the Arthropoda and Chordata.

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