Statistic Techniques applied in dynamic speckle images / TÃCNICAS ESTATÃSTICAS APLICADAS EM IMAGENS DO SPECKLE DINÃMICO




COSTA, Ricardo Marques da. Statistic Techniques applied in dynamic speckle images. 2009. 83 p. Dissertation (Mastering in Systems Engineering) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, MG. Analysis of materials through laser beams and application of statistical analysis techniques are now fundamentally important in several science-related fields. In spite of the wide range of methods which enable for the capture and analyses of material data, the speckle technique does stand out. Such technique consists of studying the effects of laser-emitted light beam interaction over a creased surface, called a speckle pattern, which may be biological material or otherwise. For the purpose of speckle pattern analyses, one of the possible approaches consists of the use of a secondary image, formed from successive speckle images of a certain piece of material, known as STS matrix (spatial temporal speckle). A large number of techniques and procedures may be used for obtaining information during such STS analyses. However, a great deal of effort in the sense of improving data interpretation has been observed. Taking this into consideration, this piece of work aimed at applying the temporal series methodology and the techniques of multi-varied statistical grouping analysis on a set of living cells, so as to enable for an easier interpretation of results generated by the bio-speckle technique, besides watching relations among the data through an exploratory analysis of some of the lines which compose each matrix, so as to identify whether behaviors, such as tendency and loss of activity, will or not occur in each formed conglomerate. Results allowed to verifying that the application of the temporal series and the multi-varied analysis techniques were successful as for the living-cells set, as they allowed for the reduction in structures dimension and enabled for an easier interpretation of the analyses by building clusters which comprise a smaller amount of information.


modelagem de sistemas biologicos bio-speckle, matriz sts, anÃlise multivariada, sÃries temporais, agrupamentos. bio-speckle, sts matrix, multi-varied analysis, temporal series, groupings

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