State and third sector in the organization of the space for tourism in the Valley of the Ribeira / Estado e terceiro setor na organização do espaço para o turismo no Vale do Ribeira




The present research is a study case of the region of the Valley of The Ribeira, located in the south of São Paulo state. The regions population is about 400.000 habitants and it presents the lowest rates of human development in the richest state of the country, consisting in a "cloudy area" inside the Concentrated Region. Containing about 20% of the forest remainders of brazilian "Mata Atlântica" (Atlantic Forest), the Valley has the greatest part of its territory inserted into Units of Conservation, which were created, mainly, from the decade of 80, restricting its traditional economic activities (agriculture and mineral and vegetal extractivism). This fact supports the speech, pronounced by public agencies and organizations of the Third Sector, that the (eco)tourism is an alternative for the Valley, understanding it as an activity capable to develop the regional economy and, consequently, ease the problems and the socio-environmental conflicts. The aim of this research was analyze the actions and the paper of the State in the (re)organization of the space for developing tourism in the region of the Valley of the Ribeira, also considering the role of the called Third Sector in this process. Having this in mind, an analysis of the public politics for regional and tourism development was made, as well as projects developed by the organizations of the Third Sector in the Valley. In such a way, it was observed that, with the changes of the orienting paradigms of the public politics in the decade of 80 (and the redemocratization, advance of the neoliberalism and the weakeness of the power of the State), the State - until then centraliser of formulation, decision and execution of the public politics - has started to transfer the incumbency of planning Valley of the Ribeiras regional development to organizations of the Third Sector, financing them small projects. This new face of the State makes tourism development in the Valley, to a certain extent, dependent on the level of social organization of each city or community and on the capacity of these to formulate projects for the captation of public resources, or on the interest of organizations located outside the Valley in implanting projects in the region.


vale do ribeira organização do espaço tourism state turismo third sector estado organization of the space terceiro setor valley of the ribeira

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