Spectroscopies and X-Ray Diffraction Applied to the Soils Mineralogical Characterization / Uso de espectroscopias e difração de raios X aplicadas à caracterização mineralógica de solos




The mineralogical constitution of three soils (Eutrophic Structured Dusky-¬Red Earth from the region of Piracicaba, São Paulo, Cambisol and Dark-Red Latosol both from the region Ponta Grossa, Paraná) was studied with the intention of contributing to the areas of physics applied to soil, agronomy and geology. The X-Ray Diffraction analysis, were done with the Rietveld Method. This method is widely employed for the crystalline characterization of polycrystalline materials and recently in mineralogical studies, yet with few works reported. Each soil was collected in several horizons. Each horizon was fractionated in several size range of particles: the coarse sand fraction was obtained by sieving and the fine sand, silt and clay fractions were obtained by sedimentation, in a total of 44 samples. Due to the mineral complexity of each sample, the following spectroscopics techniques were simultaneously used: X-ray Fluorescence, lnductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, lnfrared and Mössbauer, besides some preliminary X-ray Diffraction tests that contributed in a significant way for the acknowledgement of the present phases (minerals) and the Rietveld Method supplied, accurate, quantitative data (in mass percentage) of present minerals. In a general way, the comparison of the three studied soils showed that Eutrophic Structured Dusky-Red Earth has the largest amount of clay minerals (kaolinite, nacrite, halloysite), and the presence of ilmenite, with small quantities of anatase, rutile and gibbsite. The Cambisol shows smaller amount of hematite and goethite, and the marked presence of gibbsite is the great difference of Dark-Red Latosol. A criterion for the applicability of Rietveld Method in soil samples was according to the values of the quality indices RB (R-Bragg factor) and RF (R-structure facto r) and mass percentage errors for each mineral. Good results were obtained for the Dark-Red Latosols lot. For the other soils, those indices were obtained with less success. In this way, we have shown that it is possible to use the Rietveld Method associated with the X-Ray Diffraction and the spectroscopics techniques for the soils mineralogical characterization.


método de rietveld x-ray diffraction difração de raios x spectroscopies espectroscopias mineralogy soils rietveld method mineralogia solos

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