Sonhos dos idosos : um ensaio de interpretação pela metodologia ontopsicológica




The dissertation affiliated to Gerontology, investigates, in a qualitative way, the dreams in elderly people. Six individuals have been selected, aged sixty five or more, from both genders, having in common a personal success history sustained and updated. This success has been defined as: biological and psycological health, moral satisfaction, good social acquaintanceship, coherent ambitions, financial reliability, wisdom and autonomy of decisions. The Dreams Interpretation was the research instrument applied. The images of the dreams, ancient and recent, have been confronted with the life history narrated by the researchers, including their current condition. Such analysis showed that the oneiric scnenes were compatible with the respective dreamers historical moment and held information regarding the necessary existential choices. It was unanimous, among the investigated elderly, the appreciation of their own dreams and their conscious usage as a compass to such choices. Weve chosen the Ontopsycology Method of Dreams Interpretation. Its author, Antonio Meneghetti, in more than forty pieces, published in several countries and translated to several languages, basically speculates and demonstrates the Ontopsycological Science. The Ontopsycology admits as a criteria, solely the nature one, because this one is in accordance with everything that is born from the action of life. Among the various Ontopsycological Schools analysis instruments, weve chosen the Dreams Interpretation, for considering it has the most direct and objective applicability. Weve found what we were looking for: demonstrating that the oneiric images constitute an active part of peoples overall health, at any age.


ciências humanas ontopsicologia dreams idosos elderly sonhos ontopsycology

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