Soluções homeopáticas em Brevicoryne brassicae e Ascia monuste orseis / Homoeopathic solutions in Brevicoryne brassicae and Ascia monuste orseis




This work had for objective to verify if there is winged individuals formation in colonies of aphids Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), and the occurrence of some adverse effect in Ascia monuste orseis, when exposed to the homoeopathic solutions. The insects were coming of the creation-stock. The preparation of the solutions and the dinamizations were accomplished in agreement with the rules and techniques officials foreseen in Farmacopéia Homeopática Brasileira. The treatments were Resistant 5CH, attacked Susceptível 5CH, Aphid (nosódio) 30CH, and the control Water (without dinamization) and distilled Water + alchool 70% 5CH, being applied in alternate days, for 15 days, for the experiment with aphids. The solution Sulphur 12CH; Phosphorus 5CH; Magnesia carbonica 30CH; Ruta 5CH for the test with the caterpillars. The control was distilled water + alchool 70% 5CH. In the moment of the application, they were prepared solutions with 0,2 mL of the respective substance dinamized for 200 mL of distilled water, applied 100 mL of each solution/plots, through soil 70 mL and pulverized in the leaves 30 mL. The analyzed characteristics were: number in winged aphids and number of nymphs for colony; mass (g) of caterpillars in the beginning and end of the 4th instar; mass (g) of dries pupa (incorporate biomass); length (cm) of caterpillar in the 4th instar; duration of the cycle (days), period of egg to adult; percentage of adults emergency; length to haul (cm); fertility of the females (% of emerged eggs); nutritional value of the treated collard greens (ingestion, efficiency of conversion of the ingested food (ECI), efficiency of conversion of the digested food (ECD)). No solution homoeopathic presented significant effect on the winged formation in colonies of Brevicoryne brassica. The Resistant solution 5CH increased the number of nymphs and the nosódio Aphid 30CH reduced the number of nymphs in the colonies of Brevicoryne brassicae. Except for Phosphorus 5CH, the other homoeopathic mixtures promoted some adverse effect. Sulphur 12CH presented negative effect on the length of the caterpillars, size of the adult females and the reproduction of Ascia monuste orseis. Ruta 5CH reduced the fertility of the females and the life cycle. The Magnesia carbonica 30CH promoted a smaller length of caterpillars, of adult females and it reduced the period of biological cycle of the insect.


ascia monuste orseis insecta homeopathy brevicoryne brassicae homeopatia curuquerê-da-couve pragas agrícolas fitotecnia insecta ascia monuste orseis aphid brevicoryne brassicae pulgão

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